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Chancellor “refusing to face up to reality” over civil service pay, says FDA

Responding to the release of the civil service pay guidance, FDA Assistant General Secretary Lucille Thirlby says: 

“The latest pay guidance issued by the Treasury confirms that for the civil service, the pay cap is very much still in force. Pay awards between 1% and 1.5% do not represent pay ‘flexibility’ as the Government claims, nor do they recognise the huge challenges currently facing our civil service. 

“In the crucial run up to Britain’s exit from the European Union and the big challenges ahead in delivering first class public services, civil servants should be valued for their commitment, dedication and hard work but instead are being treated as the poor relation of public services. The Chancellor is covering his ears and refusing to face up to the reality that the current pay policy is not fit for purpose. 

“With the recent NHS pay deal we have seen what can be achieved when Ministers, employers and unions engage in genuine dialogue to address workforce and pay issues. This positive outcome was the result of months of talks, yet the Treasury has imposed this pay guidance without any meaningful engagement with staff representatives. It’s time Ministers in the civil service stood up for their staff in the way that others have done around the Cabinet table. 

“The FDA will be making sure that employers will not get away with simply nodding through the paltry pay rises set out in this guidance. Instead, we will be working with employers to ensure they submit business cases to the Treasury to shine a light on the need for a positive change of attitude. 

“We’ve heard enough warm words from Ministers, now is the time to put their money where their mouth is.”

Notes for editors 

  1. The FDA is the union for senior managers and professionals in public service, representing more than 18,000 members at grades HEO and above. Membership includes senior civil servants, government policy advisors, prosecutors, diplomats, tax professionals, economists, solicitors and other professionals working across the Government and the NHS. 
  2. The FDA (formerly the First Division Association) should be referred to simply as "The FDA" and can be described as "the senior public servants' union". 
  3. The FDA can be found on Twitter @FDA_union. General Secretary Dave Penman tweets as @FDAGenSec
  4. For more information contact FDA Communications Officer Tommy Newell on 020 7401 5588 or 07738 729 145. 
  5. The civil service pay guidance can be viewed here.


Channel website: https://www.fda.org.uk/

Original article link: http://www.fda.org.uk/Media/Chancellor-refusing-to-face-up-to-reality-over-civil-service-pay.aspx

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