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New year, new look, new qualifications

Blog posted by: Rachel Hopkins, Marketing Officer, Wednesday 20 September 2017.

We welcome you back warmly to our first newsletter following the summer, which is probably now but a distant memory as familiarity sets in.

The new session follows a tense wait by NCFE, and many other Awarding organisations, as we anticipated the response and feedback from the Department for Education on which of our qualifications have been approved in the 2019 performance tables. We’re delighted to have 19 qualifications approved, including the new Level 2 Award in Childcare and Development from CACHE, which is the only level 2 qualification that serves as an introduction to child development and well-being.

We’re delighted with the progress that we’re making for technical education and continue to work closely with the DfE on the feedback received to develop more technical qualifications and expand our offer further. 

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