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Benefiting the NHS & potential UK exports |
A new technology innovation centre opened at Great Ormond Street Hospital last week is intended to transform the use of technology including AI in healthcare & improve patient outcomes. The state-of-the-art unit, called DRIVE – Digital, Research, Informatics and Virtual Environments – is the first of its kind in the world. It is both a physical & conceptual unit and is the result of a unique partnership between NHS Digital, Great Ormond Street Hospital, University College London and leading industry experts in technology, artificial intelligence and digital innovation. The DRIVE unit will be a ‘hot-house’ for exploration activity, a rich environment for our technologists to work alongside industry & academic colleagues, and the launchpad for concepts which can be ‘scaled-up’ within our delivery programs or within regional and local technology programmes across the system. We see the potential for deployment of cross-sector commodity technology across many different areas of our work. Our first 3 areas of focus will be:
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New interactive online data tool provides easier access to mental health statistics NHS Digital welcomes funding for joint project with MHRA on creating synthetic devices CQC awarded funding to support and encourage innovation Matt Hancock announces ambition to map 5m genomes Digital tech to tackle healthcare challenges: apply for funding Patients’ lives to be greatly improved by technology revolutions in healthcare Leeds is the first city to go live with GP Connect Innovative healthcare projects deliver £ms of savings to NHS Better solutions than to just keep hiring more & more staff NHS Digital; An alternative to ‘waiting at a red light’! PC&PE; Adopt, adapt to, and ‘run’ with AI, or the UK faces economic decline Working more efficiently at less cost Partial alternative to extra £bns? |
Should we ‘Sugar Tax’ the Social Media companies to provide funds? |
The CMO is reviewing the impact that too much social media use can have on children’s mental health and will draw up guidance to help parents. Secretary of State for Health & Social Care, Matt Hancock, has issued an urgent warning on the potential dangers of social media on children’s mental health, stating that the threat of social media on mental health is similar to that of sugar on physical health. The CMO will draw up guidance to help parents ensure children don’t use social media in a way that harms their mental health. The guidance will include what age a child should be allowed to sign up to a social media account, and how often they should have access. Evidence shows that children who spend more than 3 hours using social networking websites on a school day are twice as likely to report high or very high scores for mental ill-health. |
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Matt Hancock warns of dangers of social media on children’s mental health ESRC: Overexposed to unhealthy ads Do children need an ‘Icelandic’ environment? Peer Pressure is now 24/7 with modern tech NAO: Improving children & young people’s mental health services Children’s Commissioner: Finding out more about children in England detained in the secure estate LGA response to EPI report on children's mental health services NCFE: Tips for teachers – talking about mental health in the classroom NCFE: World Mental Health Day - Encouraging learners to practice self-compassion Today’s children suffer from more ‘pressures’ Catching’ it early can be beneficial |
SME Supplier Locator update... | ||
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:
Click here to find out more. |
40m+ men, women & children suffering across the world |
The government has announced a package of fresh support to assist child victims of modern slavery and fund innovative ways to improve our response to this abhorrent crime. During a speech to the McCain Institute in London, where she was presented with an award in recognition of her work fighting modern slavery, PM Theresa May announced a £5m fund to test new approaches to tackling this crime. More than 40m men, women & children are suffering in modern slavery across the world, with between 10,000 and 13,000 in the UK alone. The fund will open for applications this week and is the second round of an £11m Modern Slavery Innovation Fund designed to build the evidence base around new approaches to tackle modern slavery around the world. So far it has supported projects such as GoodWeave and AllianceHR to tackle modern slavery in supply chains linked to UK companies in India & South Africa, and The Salvation Army and Retrak which are supporting victims in Nigeria, the Philippines and Ethiopia. |
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Home Office; New action to tackle modern slavery & support victims 10DS: PM speech at McCain Institute Awards: 09 October 2018 Home Office provides £2m to stem human trafficking in Albania UK leads the charge in eradicating modern slavery UK agrees principles for tackling modern slavery in supply chains Penny Mordaunt speech on Modern Slavery at UNGA 2018 Immigration Minister strengthens cooperation with Nigeria on modern slavery Nurse who was jailed in landmark slavery case sees her sentence increased UK steps up fight against human trafficking in West Africa 51 children potential victims of trafficking in EU-wide action Independent Review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 – APCC response Tech Against Trafficking: Tech Sector Unites To Combat Modern Slavery Warning to holiday makers of modern slavery risks PC&PE; A ‘cancer’ in our society It sounds more like a TV Mini Series than real life An ‘old issue’ that has never ‘gone away’ |
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