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‘Disinformation’ also impacts on health matters! |
Hundreds of people will receive therapy to counteract the impact of harmful social media, as part of a new NHS service for the rare eating disorder diabulimia. Patients will be coached to deal with unrealistic body images amid increasing concerns about the potential damage social media can have on young peoples’ mental health. Diabulimia is a condition where people with Type 1 Diabetes restrict their insulin intake to lose weight and can lead to serious complications including blindness & amputations. It is most common in young people aged between ages 15 and 30. Responding to growing awareness of the potentially deadly condition, NHS England has announced that it will pilot services joining up treatment for diabetes and mental ill health in London and the South Coast. The new service comes as the NHS Long Term Plan has committed to deliver a step change in mental health treatment and a renewed focus on children and young people’s health. Patients who are referred to the new services will also be offered daily structured meal planning and clinical support to manage their insulin intake as well as therapy. The services which mark a major step forward in the improved recognition of the condition will begin later this year and if successful, more services will be rolled out across the country. 2 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men with Type 1 diabetes are thought to have diabulimia. |
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Civil Service: Eating Disorders Awareness Week – Megan's story Support for people with eating disorders Government makes women’s mental health a top priority NICE responds to feedback on eating disorders quality initiatives Neglected older children missed £13.5m innovation project is delivering ground breaking results Help available for coping with eating disorders over Christmas Death of woman, 19, from anorexia was avoidable, Ombudsman rules People with eating disorders benefit from specialist CBT and self-help programmes, says NICE NHS England comments on UCL and National Children’s Bureau report on young people’s depression £500,000 to improve eating disorder services for young people in Wales PM: mental health training for teachers will "make a real difference to children's lives" Worried About Diabulimia? - Learn More From Diabetes UK Diabulimia | National Eating Disorders Association The Guardian: Why don't men seek help for eating disorders? Anti-vaccination fake news on social media fuels tripling in measles ... Meningitis B vaccination in the UK and the power of social media ... NHS England chief in warning over anti-vaccine messages on social ... Don't be taken in by anti-vaccine myths on social media' - BBC News |
Editor’s choice of other Health, Social care & Homelessness related items of note: |
DHSC: Health & Social Care Secretary bans pagers from the NHS DHSC: Parents encouraged to be aware of scarlet fever symptoms DfE: New training for health visitors to boost early language skills ScotGov: Organ & tissue donation changes Innovate UK: Better, faster, more personalised asthma treatment Ofsted: Social care commentary - using models of practice successfully WAG: Extra funding for Care & Repair to help people live independently Reform: Proceed With Caution - What Makes Personal Budgets Work? |
Good private rentals depend on co-operation of LA’s, Landlords & the RLA |
The RLA’s work with the Open Doors project in helping to promote equality in the private rented sector was praised at the Plenary in Wales last week. David Melding, Assembly Member for South Wales Central, made the comments during a discussion about a new report published this week, by CIH Cymru and Tai Pawb, on private renting & mental health. He pointed out an example of a tenant developing a mental health issue as a result of rent arrears building up. He noted that the area of vulnerable people in the private rented sector was an area of public policy which needed cross party support & development to meet modern trends and thought most landlords would jump at the chance to have such training to help them maintain long term tenants. David Melding AM then asked for the Deputy Minister for Housing & Local Government to commend the work of the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) in our efforts to reduce inequality and discrimination in the private rented sector. Specifically, the Assembly Member was referring to the Open Doors project, which is a joint project being run by the RLA and charity Tai Pawb. |
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RLA work on promoting equality in PRS praised in Wales plenary RLA: Electrical safety: What landlords need to know RLA: Rogue landlord enforcement funding cut by 25% |
Editor’s choice of other Business / Commercial items of note: |
DIT: Trade remedies measures to protect UK businesses & cut prices DIT: WTO agreement secures £1.3trillion market for British contractors DfT: Government to consult on ban on 10-year-old tyres to boost road safety DfT: Rail Review Chair says franchising cannot continue in its current form CJEU: Use of Organic production logo of the EU ScotGov: Mentor plan for female entrepreneurs WAG: Shoppers recognise the quality of Welsh produce & prefer to buy Welsh Dstl: Market exploration - point of care diagnostics Ofcom: Clear, honest information before you buy broadband techUK: Supplier Code of Conduct Refresh New TUC & GMB passports will help almost 1m disabled people get the support they need at work |
SME Supplier Locator update... | ||
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:
Click here to find out more. |
Not learning lessons is ‘all too common’ in public sector organisations |
Children’s Commissioner for England warns the ‘same mistakes that led to child sexual exploitation failings are being repeated with gangs’. Anne Longfield, the Children’s Commissioner for England, has published an in-depth study looking at children in England who are members of gangs. The report, “Keeping kids safe: Improving safeguarding responses to gang violence and criminal exploitation”, estimates there are 27,000 children in England who identify as a gang member, only a fraction of whom are known to children’s services. Some of these children may only identify loosely with a gang and may not be involved in crime or serious violence: more concerning is the estimated 34,000 children who know gang members who have experienced serious violence in the last year. The research looks into the characteristics of children involved in gangs and also shows how a number of early warning signs of gang-based violence have been on the rise in recent years. The report also suggests safeguarding boards are frequently failing to investigate properly child deaths where gang violence was a factor. As a result, there is little evidence that they can ensure lessons are learnt in terms of protecting other children. |
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Same mistakes that led to child sexual exploitation failings are being repeated with gangs LGA responds to report on child gangs MHCLG: £9.8m fund to confront knife crime & gang culture DCMS launches new youth voice projects Criminal exploitation & ‘county lines’: learn from past mistakes, report finds Home Secretary announces recipients of Early Intervention Youth Fund £5m fund to deter young people from gang & knife crime National County Lines Coordination Centre to crack down on drug gangs New unit to tackle exploitation of vulnerable young people Strengthened guidance to protect children at risk Shining a light on the experiences of children involved with gangs Home Secretary announces further action to target youth violence Hospital admissions for youths assaulted with sharp objects up almost 60% Home Secretary announces new police powers to deal with knife crime Criminal exploitation and ‘county lines’: learn from past mistakes, report finds Tackling Knife crime: Detection of steel-bladed knives Community groups provided with additional funding to tackle knife crime Home Office launches anti-knife crime lessons ahead of summer holidays Knife Crime Prevention Market Exploration Home Office announces plans for Offensive Weapons Bill to tackle serious violence Home Secretary announces launch of the Serious Violence Strategy Home Office launches anti-knife crime campaign LGA: Cuts to youth offending budgets putting crime reduction work at risk Power Of Cricket Shines Through |
Editor’s choice of other Policy & General items of note: |
MOD Sealand to be innovation hotbed for Defence MoD: UK & NATO allies to test crisis response on exercise in Germany PC&PE: Army and Capita must share blame for soldier recruitment failures LGA responds to children's services funding analysis Environment Agency publishes new evidence to plan for flood & coastal risk up to 2065 TfL tackles unsafe roadworks and launches new good practice handbook NCFE: Adult Skills and Social mobility Charity Commission and partners launch fraud resilience survey HO: New process for artists & sportspeople entering from Ireland DfE: All pupils will be taught about mental & physical wellbeing ScotGov: Establishment of national Bank takes step forward WAG: Welsh tax plans to build momentum in 2019 NAO: Transforming Rehabilitation - Progress review Audit Scotland issues good practice note on performance reports in central government Mapping Europe’s ecosystems key to ensuring their future health and resilience |
Future European Commission to take control of UK Social Security? |
EU’s civil society consultative body votes in favour of EU-supported decent minimum income for all EU citizens in need. On 20 February, the EESC adopted the opinion "For a European Framework directive on a Minimum Income" in which it asked the EC to introduce a binding EU framework establishing an adequate minimum income across Europe, tailored to the standard of living in each Member State. A minimum income is a social welfare measure guaranteeing that all citizens have a sufficient income to live a life in dignity. By means of a directive, the EU could support guide the development of decent minimum income schemes in the Member States. Although binding upon each Member State with regard to the result to be achieved, a directive still gives them leeway as to the choice of form and method of implementation. |
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EU’s civil society consultative body votes in favour of EU-supported decent minimum income for all EU citizens in need ~ Editorial commentary; Lest we forget the direction the EU is travelling in! |
Still a ‘hot topic’, with widely spread views, for those who put fingers to keyboard in order to ‘share their views’: |
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DExEU: UK and Switzerland sign citizens’ rights agreement 10DS: PM statement to the House of Commons: 26 February 2019 DHSC: Update on medicines & medical products supply as we exit the EU DIT: Trade remedies measures to protect UK businesses & cut prices DIT: WTO agreement secures £1.3trillion market for British contractors PC&PE: Fishing and Brexit-related treaties scrutinised by EU Committee HMRC urges business owners to make sure they are ready for no deal HM Treasury: VAT recovery for financial services exports in a no deal scenario ScotGov: Scotland to suffer under UK immigration proposals Ensuring safe flying after Brexit Basic road connectivity in the event of no-deal Brexit – provisional agreement with Parliament FCA releases updated guidance on EU departure preparations FCA confirms proposals in the event of a no-deal Brexit FRC: Accounting and audit 'no deal' letters OE: The UK’s tariff policy under a No Deal Brexit: Need-to-know IPPR: Regional funding after Brexit - Opportunities for the UK's Shared Prosperity Fund LGA responds to IPPR report on the shared prosperity fund B4B: Who is calling the tune? The ‘final choreography’ for Brexit |
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